Trees & Development
Tree surveys for planning applications
Trees are recognised as a material consideration in national and local planning policy in Northern Ireland, Ireland and mainland UK. Therefore, most councils will require a development proposal to demonstrate how trees have been considered and had an influence on the design process of a new development.
At John Morris Arboricultural Consultancy, we provide technical input and advice on trees to help inform design layouts which consider the constraints and opportunities from trees, ensuring your project meets planning requirements.
We provide a range of services from basic tree surveys and arboricultural summary reports, to arboricultural impact assessments, method statements and tree protection plans, depending on the size of your project - all over Northern Ireland, Ireland and the rest of the UK.
Our reports and plans are designed to fit stages in the RIBA Plan of Work 2020 and created to the highest professional industry standards, in accordance with British Standard 5837: 2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations.
At John Morris Arboricultural Consultancy we see trees as assets when it comes to development, not constraints.
Trees on new developments provide many economic, social and environmental benefits - from higher property values to more attractive places in which to live, work and play.
Our innovative and pragmatic approach to trees and development helps inform clear and considered design layouts, maximising land values and ensuring your planning application is successful in meeting planning conditions.
We are registered with Constructionline
Registration No. 00416798
Stage 1 - Tree Survey
Upon instruction a tree survey of the site is undertaken in line with BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations.
A Tree Constraints Plan is provided to inform the constraints and opportunities of the site from an arboricultural perspective, and to assist the design team with the layout of the development proposal.
Stage 2 - Arboricultural Impact Assessment & Tree Impact Plan
Upon receipt of your final design layout, we will provide an Arboricultural Impact Assessment. This important document demonstrates to the local council how trees have been considered as part of the design process in compliance with planning policy.
The report is accompanied by a Tree Impact Plan, which illustrates trees that will be retained and lost as a result of development, pruning requirements and measures that will be adopted during construction to ensure tree protection.
Stage 3 - Arboricultural Method Statement & Tree Protection Plan
An Arboricultural Method Statement outlines site specific details of how trees will be protected during construction. This is particularly important where construction directly impacts existing trees, for example, installation of underground services, roads or buildings in proximity or within Root Protection Areas (RPAs).
A Tree Protection Plan that identifies final protection measures required before, during and after construction is provided with the method statement.
We can work with your design team to achieve innovative solutions to such problems, and provide technical reports and plans to ensure trees are integrated into the layout.
We also provide an Arboricultural Clerk of Works service to oversee more complex works on site, as required.